Student Blogs

Second Year Coming Through

August 5th, 2014 echen17

Hi readers!

Ellen Chen, second year, here writing about how I can’t wait to go back to school this fall! But first I have to buy my textbooks….my bank account just flinched…

Okay, so I just wanted to write about the Top 10 things I can’t wait for this fall.

1. Seeing my friends for the first time in forever, of course
2. Seeing my professors from last year (they are actually pretty cool intelligent people)
3. Using my hammock on Easy St.*
4. Staying up past midnight, studying with my friends, because that’s bound to happen at least once**
5. Not having to walk back and forth to one of the farthest residence halls on campus every day
6. Receiving mail in my tiny cute mail box
7. Knowing everything I did not know last year***
8. Seeing Kimball after its renovations this summer
9. Going to events that the Campus Activities Board (CAB) plans
10. And of course, last but not least, blogging for the Holy Cross site

*Back story…last year, I saw a couple of students using their hammocks between the trees on Easy St. and I thought it was genius.

**Probably singing songs with lyrics that we have altered on the spot to fit our studying needs, just because we need to stay goofy to stay awake and keep ourselves entertained/sane.

***Pro tip: Learn to take the elevators to a certain level of certain buildings to get somewhere else on campus faster (much faster than if you walked)

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Ellen Chen '17

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