Student Blogs

Happy End of Semester!

December 8th, 2014 echen17

And so it is the end of semester…bring on the exams before final exams, the papers galore…I can take it….at least that’s the goal, haha.

I’ve seen so many memes about finals week and I’m just here thinking, “So. True.” The amount of truth filled in those memes pretty much sums up how I feel, and I felt ambitious enough to create my own “keep calm and carry on” versions…

I read somewhere last night about how literally 99% of the stress is in 1% of the semester. I wouldn’t say that is necessarily true, but it feels that way now, as I look at my desk and there’s a stack of books from Dinand for my review paper, another pile on my fridge consisting of all my math stuff, ready to be looked over for finals, and everything else. (And there’s a lot of everything else…)

But finals week is suppose to be a challenge. Somehow it’s going to help us in the future, when we have careers…at least that’s what I have been told…

Anyways, my tips would be to:

1) Study, study, study

keep calm


And then….

keep calm2


2) (And if you’re like me) Keep Calm and Drink Coffee (for those late nights of studying).


3) Study in a group where you won’t get distracted and start singing songs with made up lyrics that show how much stress you are really under.


4) Take an hour or so a day to relax (Me and some of my friends [guys and girls] plan on knitting as out breaks) Because this is essential to keeping your sanity intact throughout finals week.


5) Write down what needs to get done.


Happy End of Semester, and the next time you’ll hear from me again is going to be next semester!

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Ellen Chen '17

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